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The main mission for the Data Protection Authority's regulatory sandbox is to stimulate privacy-enhancing innovation and digitalisation. For three years now we've been focusing on AI. The sandbox provides free guidance to a handful of carefully selected companies, of varying types and sizes, across different sectors, in exchange for full openness about the assessments that are made.

The goal is to promote the development of innovative solutions that, from a data protection perspective, are both ethical and responsible. The sandbox helps individual organizations ensure compliance with relevant regulations and the development of solutions that take privacy into account. We use examples and insights arising from sandbox projects to develop guidelines relevant for organizations implementing AI or other new technologies and to further develop our own competence in this area.

Exit report: Securing Digital Identities

Digital identity verification is essential for secure access to online services, yet faces threats like social manipulation and data breaches. This sandbox project explores key legal challenges tied to Mobai’s innovative “SALT” solution, which integrates biometric verification and advanced encryption techniques. 

Illustration of woman using smartphone for biometric identity verification

Time for generative AI in the sandbox

Large language models have taken society by storm in the past year. It is also reflected when the Norwegian Data Protection Authority has now selected four new projects for exploration in the regulatory sandbox.

Time for generative AI in the sandbox